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GIVING: becoming PCGMissionsHaiti Financial Partners...


Pray that God would provide all the finances as PCGM-Haiti continues to serve through these.You can help the dream of promoting education in Pont-Sonde become an even greater reality!


Here's how:


  • Step 1. Read about the following specific works PCGM is undertaking and decide where you'd like to make your financial contribution! 

  • Step 2. Make your donation here! PCGM is a registered Canadian not for profit charity organization and an income-tax recipt will be issued for all donations of $20 or more. 

  • Step 3. In the Contact Us page, Indicate your Designation of where you'd like your donation to be used. You will get quarterly Updates for your area of interest.




  • Breakfast & Lunch Program: $15/monthly will allow 2 children to have a nutritionous breakfast for each month of the school year!




Community Initiatives










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